Friday, April 29, 2011

camera button friday: its more about form

Henri Cartier-Bresson stated in the video from last week that form and geometry are the most important parts of a photo.  I don’t think this to be the most important part for me but I would love to learn to see like him.  I have asked several of my math friends about the golden ration that Henri talked about and have come to the conclusion that most anything, if it has any geometry to it, can fit into the golden ration somehow, but really I learned that the so-called “rule of thirds” probably derived from this golden ratio thinking.  Henri talked about the Golden ratio as 1.61803, for my purposes, this is roughly 3/2.  Below is a graphical representation of the golden ratio (you can find many online by searching.) Many naturally forming geometries in nature look very similar to this spiral and/or have relationships to size that follow this math. 

The point is not to over think this, but to mull over it so that it is easier to recognize (and tame?) when I am out making photos.  I do not want to think I have arrived here, but this is something I am thinking about: how can the elements in the frame draw the eye, look pleasing and tell a story?  What should I include, what should I not, how should my perspective influence this, how does my choice of lens or light help? 

Basically, how can I take all that I currently know about photography, and apply it to say something?

The images attached to this post are examples of how I feel I have thought a little different about my photos or of how the subject dictated a certain composition and aligning of the elements in the frame.  They do not mean to be examples of the “golden ratio” but may be accidentally.  Mainly, they are images that were made my thinking a little more, or moving my perspective a bit to get what I wanted.

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