Saturday, April 3, 2010

forcing myself to get out

The weather has been amazing lately, but why is it that whenever I go to Indian Lake it is dreary and overcast? Oh well, you get to make the best with what you got, right? I had in mind great big wide shots of light coming though trees and highlighting the white trees along the path, but when there is no light I needed to focus on the details. So that is what I tried to do. Oh, and I stole the idea of lighting up the inside of the chapel from Steve S.

Why is it that I always have great intentions the night before but never want to get out of bed the day of? That was the case yesterday, I really didn’t want to get out and see the outside when my bed was so warm and comfortable. The only reason I did was because I had called Steve L and Mike the night before. It was all worth it once we got out there, and it is fun to get out with others too.

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