Monday, October 27, 2008

indian lake sunrise...err, morning shoot

Several of us from the Black Hawk photo group decided to get up early on one of the last weekends of fall to try and catch the sunrise and morning light…well we were foiled by fog/low clouds, but then again it didn’t rain so it could have been worse. Eventually the sun broke (see below) but with so much haze it was difficult still, but we still had a blast getting images, we were (or at least I was) stretched to look at things we normally may have passed up.

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Technical: “You know what you have to do when light gets you down? Just keep shooting, just keep shooting…” (It is best if you sing this thinking you are Dory from Finding Nemo) That was my creed; I just had to keep looking for things that could be images instead of what I wanted to be images, mainly good light. So I did just that, I stretched my mind this time around

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