Monday, August 13, 2007

Kids and a stobe

A new found plus to belonging to a church community is that there is the untapped resource of photo possibilities in children. At our latest church Bar-B-Q I found that children in their element are usually receptive to some crazy adult fallowing them around with a camera in hand (and sometimes even asking them to slow down to pose). I also found that if you play with them as you take photos, it is doubly fun. For these photos I was switching back and forth between shade and the direct-hot-burning sunlight. For the shade (top 4 images) exposure was easy enough, but for the sunlight (bottom 3 images) I exposed for sunlight and popped off my flash to fill in those pesky shadows. At first I just used the on camera flash, but later ran back to the camera bag to grab the strobe. In the last one in particular, the strobe was off to the camera left, and filling in a face full of shadows because the sun was behind this guy. I had a blast, and pics to prove it.

Technical jumbo: the top 4 in the shade were with a fixed telephoto, bottom 3 in sinlight with the wide angle zoom and fill flash at 0 or -1 TTL.

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