Monday, June 25, 2012

franny and ray portraits

Setting is important in the photography I choose to make.  But the subject is more important.  The evening that I met up with Franny and Raw turned out to be a beautiful evening for a walk in the woods.  Didn't know that when we scheduled it, but things work out sometimes.  I was actually having trouble finding good locations because everywhere I looked had potential.  As soon as we got into the swing of things I realized that it really didn't matter, Franny and Ray were having so much fun that the setting became secondary and I started to try and capture them.

The photo shoot turned into an observational documentary at times.  I would tell them to stand over there, walk away, and by the time I turned around there was a fun moment happening.  I shot a couple frames, had them look at me for a portrait, and we moved on.

This last photo is a great example of how a scene just falls into place, and each frame gets better and better....might try and talk about this more later.

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